Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Progress update...

Things have been continuing to move the past week.  Some things were derailed due to the holiday and miscommunication...but are still moving.

In the past week (a holiday week I might add) my FIL, Dave's uncle and Dave have worked tirelessly putting in all of the recessed lighting, switches and outlets and ceiling fans since we were told that the ceilings did not need to be painted.  Then...on Friday afternoon the painter strolls into the house while they were in the middle of setting up the staging in the front foyer in order to put up the chandelier.  He tells them he has to spray the ceilings now and that EVERYTHING needs to come down.  Awesome.  So all day Saturday was spent taking down everything that went up the past week.  My FIL and Dave were not happy to say the least.  We decided to leave the recessed lighting up and they can just spray over all the trim since it's white anyways...hopefully we don't regret that.  But all the fan blades needed to come down and the fan units needed to be covered and taped.  Just when you think you're getting somewhere...

The kitchen cabinets started going in last Wednesday.  I was beyond excited to finally see what I had picked out back in March!  I know it doesn't look like much from these cell phone pictures...but they are amazing!  We ran into a snag when some of the outlets needed to be moved on two of the walls.  Once that was done, the kitchen cabinets were finally finished yesterday.  I haven't seen them in person since they've been finished but I plan on stalking it tomorrow with the girls...

Obviously I had to see what my furniture legs looked like.  I am excited but have realized that I'll probably be in charge of installing them after the floors go in.  Nothing that me and my friend Dewalt can't handle...

And here is a picture of the cabinets all finished that my FIL took last night with his phone. 

The propane tanks were finally delivered and installed yesterday.  Isn't that a lovely site on the side of our house...

The deal with that is complicated.  We are still on the list for getting gas to the house...but nothing floor related can happen until the house is heated.  So the builder had to install temporary propane tanks in order to keep moving.  We are still hoping to get gas installed before we move in but we aren't too hopeful.  Regardless...the house will have gas eventually so it's only a matter of time.  As long as things still are moving forward...I don't care at this point! 

The carpenters are still working away and have such a tedious job.  Not so sure I could ever do what they do.  Here is a picture of the stairs that should be finished soon.  It's nice to have actual stairs to go up now instead of wobbly boards!  The treads and banisters will be stained to match our pre-finished floor color.

Speaking of the flooring...I received an interesting call from the floor guy.  Apparently the floor I picked was going to cost an extra $4k.  Riiiiiiiiiiight.  So I had to bring the girls with me down to the floor place and pick out a new wood floor.  It was our second stop of the morning and I had to bribe the girls into being quiet with my phone, snacks and juice so I could concentrate on picking out something new.  I'm not proud...but it got the job done.  I asked the receptionist not to judge me...

The floor we originally picked is the big square on the right.  I still look at with sadness knowing it's not going to be in our house...  Now, we are going with the darkest color on the left.  It's still super nice and I think it will hide more scratches (and dirt!).  I know I could have convinced Dave that we should go with the right one...but I think I'll be happier in the end with the one on the left since it will be low maintenance with two little ones and a huge dog.  Right?

And here is shot of our dining room.  The picture is a little weird because I had Sophie in my arms while I was trying to take a panoramic picture with my phone...but you still get the picture.  The little blip on the right side is when she was moving.  The room is square with no warped walls!  I was pleasantly surprised that the carpenters were boxing out sections under the chair rail.  I seriously had another DIY blog bookmarked and planned on tackling that project on my own.  I wonder if they are feeling bad for me since we are 4 months behind schedule???

So that's all for now...hopefully we are still on track with moving our stuff in on the 8th.  We'll see what the rest of the week brings.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


We have electricity.  I only took a year thanks to the town and the electric company...

Now if we can continue the forward motion and get heat....

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Our first official guests...

This past weekend we had our first official guests (besides our parents and my bff Alli). We met up with my parents who brought my Grampy and my niece Eva and nephew Collin.

The kids loved posing...

And screaming...NEW HOUSE!!!

Admiring the dirt...

Playing peek-a-boo...

 Testing the strength of the floors...

And basically being maniacs.  But that was OK with me:)  I can picture what it's going to be like once it's all finished when they have sleep overs.  I CAN'T WAIT!

House update

The plasterers have been working away this past week along with the finish carpenters, the driveway guys and the deck guy.  Finally the house was swarming with workers...it only took a year...

Here are some shots as of yesterday...

The drivewas has been laid out and stamped.  We expect it to be finished Monday.

The deck has been completed!  We are so excited about this...however...we realized that it will get zero sun...great...

 The inside is completely plastered and all the doors are hung.  It makes everything so much brighter...and smaller...

The girls favorite game.  I need to get door guards stat before they put holes in the walls...

We ended up having the extra space above the garage (through our closet) blue boarded and plasters while they were there.  Dave figured it would take them 2 hours vs. the 2 months it would take him.  Money well spent...
The week ahead is supposed to bring a driveway, front steps, kitchen, bathroom vanities, flooring and more finish work from the carpenter.  We'll see how much the holiday derails things...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blue Board

I love blue board.  I love how symetrical it is.  I love how it makes it look like there is so much progress.  I just love it.  At this point...I think I'd love anything that looks like progress.  Here are a few pictures from today.  All of the blue board is up and they are almost done plastering the 2nd floor.  I would think by next week we'll be able to start the finish work!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

House update

I haven't posted a status update in a while because nothing major was happening (that you could see and take pictures of).  It's been super frustrating.  Between inspections, utility issues and weather conditions...things have been delayed.  We had another talk with the builder and now we're thinking more of the last weekend in November or the first weekend in December to close.  PLEASE GOD LET THAT HAPPEN.  Here are some things that have been slooooooooooooooowly happening over the past month.

We have outside light fixtures!  So what if there is still no power to light them up...it looks pretty at least.  And we have a footing for the front steps.  Olivia isn't going to be pleased when she realizes we won't have a pirate plank for a front entrance permanently...

Garage doors...and lights...

Lights where our deck will be...

Footings where our deck will stand...

A garage floor...

A fireplace...with the wall built out...

A copper pan for our shower in the master bath...


More insulation...and my star helper...

And blue board.  WE FINALLY HAVE BLUE BOARD PEOPLE!  We've been told that things really start to happen super fast at this point so we are really excited about this shipment.

Don't they look thrilled?

This was last weekend.  Since then, we know that the street has FINALLY been dug up in order to bring power over to the house.  Hallelujah.  Thanks to a little Nor'easter...it's still not fully connected.  Obviously.  The blue board is completely up.  And they are working on finishing up the plastering.  I wonder how they are going to feel when I walk in there tomorrow with my camera and 18 month old?

She's got legs...

During my kitchen cabinet escapades, I came across islands that had furniture legs on each corner and knew I wanted them.  Here an actual picture from the cabinet company. 

The problem was...the kitchen cabinet guy wanted to charge me $100 per leg. Riiiiiiiiiight. Seeing how I wanted 4 legs for the island and 2 separate legs for the sink bump out...that certainly wasn't going to happen.  I happen to come across these little beauties at Home Depot and think they'll be perfect.  Even better looking than the $100/leg ones above.

To make them even more perfect, I actually got a quart of the exact stain of the cabinets.  How genius was I?  But...what I didn't realize was that the cabinets are actually sprayed with stain and the quart I bought was meant to be sprayed as well.  Who the heck knows what that means and what the difference even is?  So I went ahead and brushed on the stain like normal.  Yeah...not good.  Here is a picture of how different the color is because sprayed stain comes out super fine. 

Not to be deterred and furniture legless in my kitchen...I picked up another leg at Home Depot and a can of wood stain.  The labeling had me at hello.  Dries in one hour, achieves color in one coat and enhances wood grain.  Yes please.

Here are the kitchen island legs after one coat (true to it's label!).  I had also picked up a can of spray poly and these will get a few coats of that to protect them from normal wear and tear.  They are really close to the actual cabinet color now.  Not 100% but good enough.

For the sink bump out, I just color matched the cabinets with a small sample paint jar since those cabinets will be white.  Since the cabinets will have a glaze as well...these legs aren't finished yet.  I didn't want to try glazing for the first time without actually seeing my cabinets so I'll wait to finish these once the cabinets are in.  But I already have the glaze on hand...I just hope it survives the move and I know where it is when I need it.

As for the installation on these things...I think the cabinet installers will probably hate me.  The legs will most likely stick out further than I want since the largest ring is pretty big.  So the lucky installers will have to figure out a way to shave off some of the back to make them sit further in.  No biggie...right?

The original legs would have cost $600.  My little project cost me less than $100...the stain from the cabinets that I didn't end up using was $40 alone...so much for that genius idea. 

So all of this...for furniture legs that no one will probably notice except for me:)