The girls and I took our
Here's a little recap of the last month...
The start of the digging...
The pile of crap they found...
The sub-foundation...
The sub-foundation filled in...
Actual foundation!!!
I forgot my camera so I had to take this with my phone so the quality stinks. But you get the idea. You can see the line in the middle in the picture above where the sub-foundation was buried. Then the sides of the foundations are tiered down since we'll have a walkout (I never knew they did that but I guess it makes sense...).
Here is a view from the street. They still need to do the fill around the entire thing.
This is looking on from the garage side. They suggested we put the garage a few steps down from the main part of the house for drainage.
This picture is in the back. It shows how tiny our backyard will actually be. Why the heck didn't we ever figure that out before now? Who needs a huge backyard when you have amazing neighbors who will let your kids play in theirs. Right????
The corner in the middle of the picture above is the back of the garage. Apparently we will have just enough room to get a person through there. Awesome. I have no idea what the heck that footing in the lower half of the picture is. It is where the main house maybe it's something for the deck above??? That will go on my list for the builder. Another one of my super knowledgeable questions. It will go something like this "'s Holly...again. Thanks for actually picking up the phone. Ummm...I was walking around the construction zone with my two young children while taking pictures and not really watching them by the steep cliff and I noticed this weird block of cement.'s sticking out of the back of the foundation and it's long and square??? You don't know what I'm referring to? Weird..." I bet he thinks I am super smart.
When I talked to the builder last week, he mentioned really large landscaping blocks/stones that they'll use in order to give us as much usable yard as possible. He also said not to get super worried with how it looks now and to wait until we get to the landscaping phase. Personally, I like to think the absolute worst so the outcome is inevitably better. So if our yard sees any part of the sun and isn't covered completely by the deck...that will be a score in my books.
So we are finally making some good progress. Hopefully we'll be in there by the fall.
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